Web Accelerators

A set of software tools to increase the speed of your web sites

Usefully integrated in the Website Control Panel you can find various Website Accelerator Tools designed to speed up your dynamic, database–driven web sites. By caching content, these tools decrease the number of times a database is accessed and thus curtail the server load. This will help your websites open faster and it will lower the bounce rates. You can choose from among a number of website accelerator tools – Varnish, Memcached and Node.js.

Web Accelerators

Scripting Support

Full scripting support with each of our hosting packages

All our web hosting plans offer scripting support. You’ll be able to use any PHP or Python–driven web app and also take advantage of more than three thousand and four hundred Perl modules supported by our Linux–powered web hosting servers. Besides, you will be able to work with MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and utilize the InnoDB storage engine offered by every cloud hosting plan. Zend Optimizer, ImageMagick, SSI and GD Library are all supported as well.

Scripting Support

Multiple Data Centers

Ensure the best site load speeds for your potential visitors

The data center location directly influences your web site’s loading speed, so, by picking a facility that’s closest to your potential visitors, you will guarantee the nicest Internet browsing experience for them. We offer you a choice of data center facilities on as many as three different continents – Steadfast in Chicago, IL, USA; Pulsant in Maidenhead, UK, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, S3 in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. Each of them offers a steady and protected web hosting environment with a 24x7 server monitoring service and a ninety–nine point nine percent network uptime guarantee.

Multiple Data Centers

Data Backups

Your site content could be recovered anytime

No website is normally protected against hacker attacks. Your web site may be affected even by unintended website content deletion on your end. Still when using our data back–up copy solution, we can restore your web site content anytime. Apart from the frequent server backups that we are performing, you can yourself make manual backups of your website content with just a click through the File Manager, which is incorporated into your Website Control Panel. Just generate an archive of the folder(s) that you would like to manually back up and put it in a location of your liking.

Data Backups

Domain Manager

Multi–domain name management done properly

With the TERIONET Website Control Panel, you’re no longer restricted to work with just 1 domain. You can control 1 or 100 domains in an indentical easy and simple convenient way. We’ve also included some other useful tools, that will make it possible for you to park, forward & Whois Privacy Protect your domain names or to set custom DNS entries. Having these domain management options in a single place will spare you a lot of time and effort.

Domain Manager

True Cloud Platform

We’ve created our very own custom–made web hosting system using the most recent first–rate technologies. With each service (DNSs, e–mails, databases, web apps, etc.) handled by a different physical server, your site content will operate in the cloud and will also be entirely secured against unexpected network downtimes and service disruptions.

True Cloud Platform

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our packages is put together for you cost–free. 30–day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 30 min response time frame.
  • Compare our prices

  • Quickly review the resources and capabilities made available from our web hosting deals. See which package will give you everything that you’ll need to build and handle your web sites without any problem.
  • Compare our hosting plans
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  • Get in touch with us anytime during working hours Monday to Friday for any pre–sale or basic questions concerning our service. Call us anytime.