CPU, that's frequently called just "processor", is an abbreviation for Central Processing Unit. That's the core of any PC or web server, because it performs all of the calculations and logical input/output procedures. Despite the fact that that the performance of a site or an app depends on other things also, such as the amount of physical memory or the connection of the web server, the rate at which a particular processor performs determines how quickly an app will be executed. Later-generation processors have several cores which can severely improve their overall power and efficiency, because every single core can control a number of processes separately or a number of cores can deal with a single process that requires a significant processing power. Due to the fact that each and every core works at a certain speed, this architecture can be seen as a number of independent processors working together.

CPU Share in VPS Hosting

The CPU speeds provided by our Linux VPS hosting vary greatly and you can pick the VPS with the best suited resources for your Internet sites. When you need a VPS for 1 site which does not have a lot of visitors, for example, you can purchase a low-end plan, that will also be less costly compared to the high-end solutions that include big CPU quotas and which can easily match a dedicated server. We set up just a few VPS accounts on powerful servers with 16-core processors, so the CPU share that you'll get with your new package deal shall be guaranteed at all times and the performance of your hosting server will never be affected by other virtual accounts on the same physical server. Upgrading from one plan to another will only take a few clicks via the billing CP and the additional CPU share shall be allotted to your account at once.

CPU Share in Dedicated Web Hosting

We provide a number of different hardware configurations with our dedicated server plans, to present you with the chance to obtain the one you need for your apps and sites. Because you shall have an entire machine at your disposal, you'll be able to fully utilize its resources, including the processing power. We examine every single element before we put together a new server and the CPU is not an exception, so when we hand over the machine, we guarantee that it'll function perfectly. The processors have 2-12 cores with regards to the particular package, so you can choose if you would like to use a lower-end package or an website hosting powerhouse that will allow you to run extremely heavy and resource-demanding apps. The highly effective CPUs will raise the speed of your sites even if they get an enormous number of visitors.